Patch Notes 3.10.11, July 13th - July 14th
- Added pagination for Gallery (Page numbers at the bottom)
- Changed background for all pages to black
- Moved a pic to 2nd page and added new picture to Gallery, 2nd page
- Increased image size for gallery and updated the Gallery section where every photo is organized
Patch Notes 3.10.10, July 1st
- Temporarily disabled the blue bar animation on mobile only due to bug issues (on computer it's fine)
- Developed a new website
- Removed the About Page and added to another website
- Greatly Increased image size on mobile
Patch Notes 3.00.0, June 12th: Software Update!
- Added Animations to the Navigation bar (Better on computer)
- Updated the Navigation bar and added icons next to the sections
- Increased image size on mobile for all sections
- Centered images efficiently on mobile
- Temporary added a border to see if it fits the flow
Patch Notes 2.11.0, May 29th
- Changed Background
- Changed image size on the triple mag size
- Increased image size on the funny
- Updated the future updates and updates page for everything to look neat
- For me(changed a bunch of code for everything to be clean)
- Added an icon to the website (should look like an orange pic)
Patch Notes 2.10.0, May 27th
- Added 7 new collections
- Adjusted the image sizes on the home page so it looks
- Centered the texts in the "About" page
Patch Notes 1.00.1, May 6th - May 8th
- Updated the Software
- Added Navigation bars
- Updated & added pages
- Gallery now contains all photos. Funny Gallery will have pics meant for Entertainment
- Patch Notes have been changed to "Updates"
- Fixed a major issue where on computer the images would look stretched
- Fixed an issue where pictures were in a straight line and not separated
- Added 3 collections to Funny Gallery
Patch Notes 1.00.1, May 5th
- Reduced image size for pictures to load faster for new users
- Changed the title names for Birthday Sins & ABDULLA
- Added 6 new collections
- New page was added: Future Updates
Patch Notes 1.00.0v May 3rd
- Tried fixing the images by making them spaced apart
- Added ABDULLA to the collection
- Added Standing on Water
- Added Black and White Plus Colors